Monday, May 11, 2020

5 Things You Should Consider To Improve Your Business - CareerAlley

5 Things You Should Consider To Improve Your Business - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. When running your own business, there are so many different things that you should be thinking about, that it can be hard to know what is best for your business. Especially if this is your first business and it hasnt been established for long, youre going to want all of the help that you can get. In this article, there are going to be some of the things that you probably havent thought about, that you should be doing to improve your business. 1. Location Is your business in the right location for its needs? Think about how your daily life at the office works, and how your employees (if any) would benefit from a relocation. You may realize that more space would do the workplace the world of good, and how not being cramped will increase work productivity. If this is something youre not sure about, make a list of pros and cons to moving premises. Its likely that you will miss out on a few days of business during the move. Could you afford to miss out on those days? Its time to put location at the top of your to-do list. If youre preparing to open a food or retail business with a storefront, putting your business in the proper location might be the single most important thing you do at startup. Of course you need a winning product, too, but how will anyone know about that product unless you get them through the door? You would also need to conduct a health and safety inspection of the new location, which may take time and money to arrange. Unfortunately, you cant relocate until this step is done. One bonus of moving your business space is that you can reinvent the design of your company. You could also add new offers for your clients and even though its not a re-opening, you could treat the opening of your new premises as just that. If you choose a location thats more convenient for potential clients to get to, its likely that you will see sales and interest in what youve got to offer increase. Definitely worth considering. Pexels 2. Training One thing that everybody needs to improve their skill set is training. If its been a long while since you or your employees have taken any training in your sector of work, then you should be considering this. Not only will it improve you and your staff skillset, but having up to date skills will improve revenue because the service that you will be able to offer will be better than anything else around. Of course, one thing you do need to consider is the fact that you and your staff are going to have to take some time away from work to do this training. If youre able to cover shifts and keep the business going while you all train up, then fantastic. But, the reality is that you will have to close up for a day or two. Travel and expenses to your training destination will have to be paid too, but think about it this way, having that extra training will eventually pay for itself. 3. Consider Legal Help If youre new to running a business, then getting employment law advice solicitors to assist and advise you with your business and clients is something you should definitely be considering. This is because you want to make sure that youre doing everything by the book. If you are found to be working unfairly, or your staff to be doing so then you could land yourself in a lot of trouble. Stay above the books, and even offer your clients or customers the chance to check it themselves through your website (if you have one) or in store. Making sure that you and your staff are taking the correct holidays, on at least the minimum wage, and have a safe working environment is important for the workplace. It will also be an attractive quality for potential new employees. Pexels 4. Staff Morale Treating your staff with the respect that you expect them to give you is key to improving your business. Its a well-known fact that happy staff performs better than people who are unhappy in their workplace. There is always something that people dont like when it comes to their jobs, some sort of task that is tedious and frustrating, so why not roll your sleeves up and show them that youre willing to do the dirty work too. Spread it out so that it doesnt just fall upon one person to do all of the tedious tasks. Treating your staff to rewards once you have hit targets is a fantastic way of showing them that you appreciate all of the hard work they put in for you. This could be with a minor pay rise, a staff do, or something for the workplace like a coffee machine. Being an empathetic boss is another way of keeping your staff happy. Although you shouldnt being troubles from home into work, we all have issues that need to be dealt with at some point. If a member of staff has an ill child or member of the family, be empathetic and allow them to sort things out without feeling like they may lose their job. Of course though, be careful not to be walked all over. Allowing your staff regular breaks will increase their morale too. Theres nothing worse than knowing youve got hours upon hours of work before getting a break. Be sure to abide by the rules though. Source: Glassdoor Economic Research 5. Taking Time To Yourself Even though your business is important to you, working every hour under the sun will not do you or the business any favors. Taking time off is important to ensure that you can clear your head to increase productivity. If all you think about is work, and what youve got to do it will send you crazy. The best way of doing this is by taking a vacation. Getting yourself far away from the situation will help distract you from what youve been thinking about. If you take these five things on board, you will soon see a massive improvement in your business. You have the potential to be earning more profits than you are now, to make your staff happier and ensure that youre doing things above board. Good luck with your enterprise! What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to find the opportunities that help you grow your best career. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It̢۪s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search

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